Opening Reception

Opening Reception for "Schooling Salmon" Art Exhibit

When: Sunday March 7th, 2010 from 1-3pm

1:00 pm Opening Remarks by Lincoln City Mayor Lori Hollingsworth and Eric Vines Director of the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, followed by salmon related poetry readings by community members. Juanita Whitebear will share the story of the Salmon People at the opening reception.

Where: White Room Gallery at the Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy 101, Lincoln City, Oregon

"Schooling Salmon", a public art piece for Lincoln City, will be exhibited in the White Room Gallery at the Lincoln City Cultural Center March 7th - 21st and then installed in its permanent location within the city. All are invited to the gallery on Sunday March 7th to meet the artists during the Opening Celebration from 1-3pm.

This public art work was developed by a partnership between the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, artist Dawn Stetzel and Let There Be Arts, and funded by a grant from Lincoln City and its Public Arts Commission.

"Schooling Salmon" was created by Oceanlake 3rd grade classes, select Taft High School students, and through participation from the Lincoln City Indian Education Cultural Night Program's children.

Installing the gallery exhibit...